404 Not Found

This is not what you wanted to see

This is the page you were looking for:


I can't find it for some reason. Here are a couple of options:

  1. Search. If this looks like a page that should exist somewhere on the site, try searching for it in the search bar at the top.
  2. Sitemap. If searching doesn't work, there's always the old-school method of browsing through the entire list of pages on this website.

I'm not in the habit of deleting pages randomly, so the page you're looking for is probably around here somewhere.

What's gone wrong?

There are a few reasons why this might have happened:

  1. I've made a mistake when linking to a page. I add all the links manually, so I've probably forgotten to include a folder in the URL, or made a typo of some sort when creating the link.
  2. You've followed a link from another site to a page that has since moved. I sometimes restructure the website and move/rename pages in the process. I try my best to redirect all the pages and images so that this doesn't happen, but there's a chance that I've forgotten to redirect the resource you're looking for.
  3. I've linked to a page without actually creating it. Sometimes I link to a page with the intention of creating it in the near future. This is rare, but it does happen.

Either way, it's my fault.

Or, dare I say it, you may have made a typo.

I'm sorry

As I say, this is probably my fault.

I considered putting a nice big "hahaha, oops!" at the top of this custom 404 page, along with some sort of hilarious cartoon animal smiling at you to help alleviate your frustration and distract you from the fact that I've made a mistake somewhere.

But none of those things are going to help with the pain you feel at this very moment.

So all I can say is, I'm sorry.

Please help me fix it

If you've got a couple of minutes, please send me an email to let me know about this 404 error and I'll fix it as soon as I can:


I'll probably be able to find you the exact page you're looking for as well.

Very sorry,

Drawing of an unshaved guy smoking and drinking vodka at a computer.