
An easy-to-share set of characters

Base58 Character Set

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
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Convert between hexadecimal and base58 encoding.

0 bytes

A legacy address or WIF private key for example

0 digits
0 secs

Base58 is a user-friendly set of characters you can use to represent big numbers in a shorter format.

Satoshi came up with this character set in the first release of Bitcoin. It is used for encoding legacy addresses, WIF private keys, and extended keys.


What does "base58" mean?

The "base" refers to the number of characters you use to represent a value.

Base Characters
2 (binary) 01
10 (decimal) 0123456789
16 (hexadecimal) 0123456789abcdef
58 123456789ABCDEFGH JKLMN PQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk mnopqrstuvwxyz

In everyday life, we are used to working with base10 numbers (using the ten digits 0123456789).

But if you're a computer, it's easy enough to use extra characters to represent values:

base10(9999) = 9999
base16(9999) = 270f
base58(9999) = 3yQ

All of these "numbers" have the same value – they just use different character sets (i.e. bases) to represent them.

The more characters you have in your base, the fewer characters you need to use to represent big numbers.


Why do we use Base58 in Bitcoin?

// Why base-58 instead of standard base-64 encoding?
// - Don't want 0OIl characters that look the same in some fonts and
//      could be used to create visually identical looking account numbers.
// - A string with non-alphanumeric characters is not as easily accepted as an account number.
// - E-mail usually won't line-break if there's no punctuation to break at.
// - Doubleclicking selects the whole number as one word if it's all alphanumeric.
Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin v0.1 (base58.h)

Why Base58? Why these specific 58 characters?

Because these are the characters you are left with when you use all the characters in the alphanumeric alphabet (62 in total), but remove the easily mistakable characters 0, O, l, and I.

alphanumeric = 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
base58       =  123456789ABCDEFGH JKLMN PQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk mnopqrstuvwxyz

So base58 has two main benefits:

  1. It gives you a bigger set of characters to work with. This means you can represent larger numbers using fewer characters.
  2. It leaves out awkward characters. This helps to prevent mistakes when transcribing.
Stickman looking at a circle trying to figure out if it's a 0 or an O.
A pesky O/0


Convert an integer to Base58

Animation showing how to encode an integer to base58.

To convert an integer (base10) to base58, you use the modulo1 function.

Basically, you keep dividing your number by 58, taking the remainder at each step of the way to get the index of the next base58 character, and you stop when there are no remainders left.

For example:

base10 = 123456789

123456789 % 58 = 19 <- remainder
  2128565 % 58 = 23 <- remainder
    36699 % 58 = 43 <- remainder
      632 % 58 = 52 <- remainder
       10 % 58 = 10 <- remainder

base58 = [10][52][43][23][19]
base58 = BukQL


# A simple function that converts an _integer_ to base58:

def int_to_base58(i)

  characters = %w[
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  a b c d e f g h i j k m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

  # create an empty string (in preparation to hold the new characters)
  buffer = ''

  # keep finding the remainder until our starting number hits zero
  while i > 0
    # find the remainder after dividing by 58 (% = modulo)
    remainder = i % 58

    # add the base58 character to the start of the string
    buffer = characters[remainder] + buffer

    # divide our integer by 58, and repeat...
    i = i / 58

  return buffer

puts int_to_base58(123456789) #=> BukQL


Convert Base58 to an integer

Animation showing how to decode base58 to an integer.

To convert a base58 value in to base10 (integer), working from right to left, you take the index for each Base58 character and multiply it by increasing powers of 58, then add all the values together.

For example:

base58 = BukQL

L = 19 * 58^0 = 19
Q = 23 * 58^1 = 1334
k = 43 * 58^2 = 144652
u = 52 * 58^3 = 10145824
B = 10 * 58^4 = 113164960

base10 = 19 + 1334 + 144652 + 10145824 + 113164960
base10 = 123456789


def base58_to_int(base58)

  characters = %w[
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    A B C D E F G H   J K L M N   P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    a b c d e f g h i j k   m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
  # create an integer to hold the result
  total = 0

  # reverse the base58 string so we can read characters from right to left
  base58 = base58.reverse
  # run through each character, including the index, so we know how many characters we've read
  base58.each_char.with_index do |char, i|
    # get the index number for this character
    char_i = characters.index(char)
    # work out how many 58s this character represents (increment the power for each character)
    value  = char_i * (58**i)
    # add to total
    total = total + value

  return total

puts base58_to_int("BukQL") #=> 123456789

This mathematical process is the same when converting from one base to another. You can see a similar example when converting from hexadecimal to decimal (base16 to base10).

Base58 in Bitcoin

How is Base58 used in Bitcoin?

Base58 is used in Bitcoin when you want to convert commonly used data in to an easier-to-share format. For example:

Base58 was only used for encoding addresses at first, but was utilized for encoding WIF Private Keys and extended keys when they were introduced later on.

Leading Zeros

Diagram showing leading zero bytes in hexadecimal being converted to a 1 in base58.

In Bitcoin, we convert every zero byte (0x00) at the start of a hexadecimal value to a 1 in base58.

Putting zeros at the start of a number does not increase its size (e.g. 0x12 is the same as 0x0012), so when we convert to base58, any additional zeros at the start do not affect the result.

Therefore, to ensure that leading zeros have an influence on the result, the bitcoin base58 encoding includes a manual step to convert all leading 0x00's to 1's.

0x: A 0x prefix indicates a hexadecimal value. Hexadecimal values will sometimes only contain the numbers 0-9 and could therefore be confused as being decimal values, so the prefix helps us to distinguish between them. This prefix is discarded before being used in calculation.

Byte: A byte of data can hold a value of between 0-255, and can be represented by two hexadecimal characters. For example, 0xff is one byte of data and represents the value 255 in decimal.


In Bitcoin, different prefixes are added to data before converting to base58 to influence the leading character of the result, and this leading character helps us to identify what each base58 string represents.

These are the most common prefixes used in Bitcoin:

Hex Prefix Base58 Leading Character Represents Example
00 1 Address (P2PKH) 1AKDDsfTh8uY4X3ppy1m7jw1fVMBSMkzjP
05 3 Address (P2SH) 34nSkinWC9rDDJiUY438qQN1JHmGqBHGW7
80 K, L, or 5 WIF Private Key L4mee2GrpBSckB9SgC9WhHxvtEgKUvgvTiyYcGu38mr9CGKBGp93
0488ADE4 xprv Extended Private Key xprv9tuogRdb5YTgcL3P8Waj7REqDuQx4sXcodQaWTtEVFEp6yRKh1CjrWfXChnhgHeLDuXxo2auDZegMiVMGGxwxcrb2PmiGyCngLxvLeGsZRq
0488B21E xpub Extended Public Key xpub67uA5wAUuv1ypp7rEY7jUZBZmwFSULFUArLBJrHr3amnymkUEYWzQJz13zLacZv33sSuxKVmerpZeFExapBNt8HpAqtTtWqDQRAgyqSKUHu
Hex Prefix Base58 Leading Character Represents Example
6F m or n Address (P2PKH) ms2qxPw1Q2nTkm4eMHqe6mM7JAFqAwDhpB
C4 2 Address (P2SH) 2MwSNRexxm3uhAKF696xq3ztdiqgMj36rJo
EF c or 9 WIF Private Key cV8e6wGiFF8succi4bxe4cTzWTyj9NncXm81ihMYdtW9T1QXV5gS
04358394 tprv Extended Private Key tprv9tuogRdb5YTgcL3P8Waj7REqDuQx4sXcodQaWTtEVFEp6yRKh1CjrWfXChnhgHeLDuXxo2auDZegMiVMGGxwxcrb2PmiGyCngLxvLeGsZRq
043587CF tpub Extended Public Key tpub67uA5wAUuv1ypp7rEY7jUZBZmwFSULFUArLBJrHr3amnymkUEYWzQJz13zLacZv33sSuxKVmerpZeFExapBNt8HpAqtTtWqDQRAgyqSKUHu

WIF Private Keys use the same hex prefix, but produce different leading characters. This is because in some situations we append an 01 byte to the private key before converting to base58, and this extra byte affects the leading character.

Extended Keys contain extra metadata alongside the original public and private keys, which is why their base58 strings are noticeably longer.


Diagram showing the steps for Base58Check encoding.

Base58Check encoding is short for adding a checksum to some data before encoding it to base58.

Here are some common examples of Bitcoin data that use Base58Check encoding:

Address (Base58)
WIF Private Key
Address (Extended Key)

You sometimes see this "Base58Check" term pop up every now and then when reading about base58 encoding, so I thought I'd cover it here.

Tool Icon


Create a checksum for data and then encode to base58.

0 bytes
0 characterss
0 secs


These code snippets perform the complete base58 conversion used in Bitcoin.

They convert to and from hexadecimal, because that's the most common format we start with when converting to base58.

module Base58

  @chars = %w[
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    A B C D E F G H   J K L M N   P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    a b c d e f g h i j k   m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
  @base = @chars.length

  def self.encode(hex)
    i = hex.to_i(16)
    buffer =

    while i > 0
      remainder = i % @base
      i = i / @base
      buffer = @chars[remainder] + buffer

    # add '1's to the start based on number of leading bytes of zeros
    leading_zero_bytes = (hex.match(/^([0]+)/) ? $1 : '').size / 2

    ("1"*leading_zero_bytes) + buffer
  def self.decode(base58)
    total = 0 # integer to hold conversion to decimal

    # run through each character
    base58.reverse.each_char.with_index do |char, i|
      char_i = @chars.index(char) # get the index number for this character
      value  = (58**i) * char_i   # work out how many 58s this character represents
      total = total + value     # add to total

    # convert this integer to hex
    hex = total.to_s(16)

    # add leading 00s for every leading 1
    leading_1s = (base58.match(/^([1]+)/) ? $1 : '').size

    ("00"*leading_1s) + hex


puts Base58.encode('0093ce48570b55c42c2af816aeaba06cfee1224faebb6127fe') #=> 1EUXSxuUVy2PC5enGXR1a3yxbEjNWMHuem
puts Base58.decode('1EUXSxuUVy2PC5enGXR1a3yxbEjNWMHuem') #=> 0093ce48570b55c42c2af816aeaba06cfee1224faebb6127fe

// Sample Input
$hex = "00662ad25db00e7bb38bc04831ae48b4b446d1269817d515b6"; // a public key hash (with a 00 prefix)

// -------------
// Base58 Encode
// -------------
// Convert hex string to an integer
$num = gmp_init($hex, 16);
$base58 = "";

// Base58 Characters
$chars = str_split("123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz");

// Keep dividing by 58 and taking the remainder as the character
while ($num > 0) {
    $rem = gmp_mod($num, 58); // remainder (what we get the character for)
    $num = gmp_div($num, 58); // quotient  (keep dividing the number to get remainders)
    $base58 = $chars[intval($rem)].$base58; // add base58 char to the start

// Convert leading 00s in hex to leading 1s (this is done manually in the base58 conversion)
$count = intval(strspn($hex, "0") / 2); // how many leading 0s, then divide by 2 (to work out how many zero bytes have been prefixed)
$leading = str_repeat("1", $count); // prefix one leading 1 for every zero byte (e.g. 00)

// Result
$result = $leading.$base58;
echo $result.PHP_EOL; // 1AKDDsfTh8uY4X3ppy1m7jw1fVMBSMkzjP

// -------------
// Base58 Decode
// -------------
$base58 = "1AKDDsfTh8uY4X3ppy1m7jw1fVMBSMkzjP";
$int = gmp_init(0); // integer to hold result

// Convert to decimal
$base58a = str_split(strrev($base58));   // create an array we can loop through
foreach ($base58a as $i => $c) {         // run through each character
    $multiple = gmp_pow(58, $i);         // how many 58s this position holds (e.g. 58^0, 58^1, 58^2...)
    $index = array_search($c, $chars);   // get index number for base58 char (e.g. B=10)
    $value = gmp_mul($index, $multiple); // multiply to get number of 58s this character is representing
    $int = $int + $value;                // add to total

// Convert to hexadecimal
$gmp = gmp_init(strval($int), 10); // create gmp number from bit string (base 10) NOTE: gmp_init takes strings
$hex = gmp_strval($gmp, 16); // convert to hex string representation
if (strlen($hex) % 2 !== 0) { // return even number of characters (hex2bin prefers it)
    $hex = '0'.$hex;

// Convert leading 1s in base58 to leading 00s (this is done manually in the base58 conversion)
$count = strspn($base58, "1");
$leading = str_repeat("00", $count);

// Result
$result = $leading.$hex;
echo $result.PHP_EOL; // 00662ad25db00e7bb38bc04831ae48b4b446d1269817d515b6


Modulo (%)

The modulo (%) operator returns the remainder of a division:

7 % 6 = 1
7 % 5 = 2
7 % 4 = 3
7 % 3 = 1

It's like a sister of the divide (/) operator.


Further Reading
