
Unlocking code

Diagram showing the ScriptSig in an input unlocking the ScriptPubKey in the output from a previous transaction.

A ScriptSig provides the unlocking code for a previous output.

Each output in a transaction has a locking code (ScriptPubKey) placed on it. So when you come to select one as an input in a future transaction, you need to supply an unlocking code (ScriptSig) so that it can be spent. This locking/unlocking code uses a mini-programming language called Script.

The ScriptSig field is used to unlock legacy locking scripts such as P2PK, P2PKH, P2MS, P2SH (and other custom locking scripts). Newer segwit locking scripts such as P2WPKH and P2WSH are unlocked via the witness field.


What does a ScriptSig look like?

Here are some examples of what typical ScriptSigs look like.

They're almost always unique, but they have a similar structure depending on the type of locking script you're unlocking.

These are all actual examples, so you'll need to replace the public key and signatures if you're using them as templates in your own transactions.

P2PK (ScriptSig)


Transaction: ea44e97271691990157559d0bdd9959e02790c34db6c006d779e82fa5aee708e (Input 0)

To unlock a P2PK locking script you only need to provide a single signature.

This is one of the simplest unlocking scripts. They are quite uncommon these days though and are mostly found when early coinbase transactions are being unlocked.

P2PKH (ScriptSig)


Transaction: 40e331b67c0fe7750bb3b1943b378bf702dce86124dc12fa5980f975db7ec930 (Input 0)


Transaction: bb420523868848e1b60ffe28a2f5a657e7db424e11aaacca19c992eb67805349 (Input 0)

To unlock a P2PKH locking script you need to provide a single signature along with a public key. The public key can either be a compressed public key (33 bytes) or an uncompressed public key (65 bytes).

This was one of the most common locking scripts inside the blockchain up until 2016. Since then P2WPKH locking scripts became more common; these work in the same way, but use the witness field for the locking code instead of the ScriptSig.

A P2PKH ScriptPubKey contains a public key hash, so the actual public key is revealed in the ScriptSig.

P2MS (ScriptSig)


Transaction: 78b28d3c2324da8c2f01840021addbcabb68f7ce1d4da870cabe5e9df6afe63d (Input 0)


Transaction: 949591ad468cef5c41656c0a502d9500671ee421fadb590fbc6373000039b693 (Input 0)

To unlock a P2MS locking script you need to provide multiple signatures to meet the requirements of the original locking script. These ScriptSigs usually contain between 1 and 3 signatures, although technically a P2MS ScriptSig could contain up to 20 signatures.

Raw P2MS ScriptSigs are quite rare though, as most P2MS locking scripts are wrapped inside a P2SH.

P2MS scripts have a bug where the OP_CHECKMULTISIG opcode pops one more element of the stack than it should do, which is why all P2MS ScriptSigs start with a redundant OP_0 (or something similar) at the start to counteract this.

P2SH (ScriptSig)


Transaction: 30c239f3ae062c5f1151476005fd0057adfa6922de1b38d0f11eb657a8157b30 (Input 11)

P2SH locking scripts are a bit more complex than standard scripts.

The ScriptSig for a P2SH contains both the unlocking script and the locking script:

So in the example above, the second data push is the Redeem Script containing a typical P2MS locking script, and the data push before it is the single signature required to satisfy that Redeem Script.

P2SH can be used to wrap various types of custom locking scripts, so there's no set template for how the ScriptSig should look (aside from the Redeem Script being the last data push). However, the majority of the time P2SH is used to wrap P2MS locking scripts, so most P2SH ScriptSigs will look similar to the example above.

Here's a non-standard script found inside a P2SH script:


Transaction: 8d31992805518fd62daa3bdd2a5c4fd2cd3054c9b3dca1d78055e9528cff6adc (Input 4)

The last data push in this ScriptSig is a locking script that requires two separate pieces of data that have the same SHA-1 hash result (OP_2DUP OP_EQUAL OP_NOT OP_VERIFY OP_SHA1 OP_SWAP OP_SHA1 OP_EQUAL). So the two data pushes at the start provide those two separate pieces of data that satisfy the locking script.

You can inspect the locking script inside a P2SH ScriptSig by decoding the final data push. For example, try decoding 6e879169a77ca787 using the tool below:

Tool Icon


Decode and encode a script.

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0 bytes
0 characters
0 secs

Similar to P2PKH the P2SH locking script has now been superseded by P2WSH, which works in exactly the same way as P2SH but uses the witness field for the unlocking code rather than the ScriptSig.

A P2SH ScriptPubKey contains the Script Hash, so the ScriptSig is where the full Redeem Script is revealed.

Custom (ScriptSig)


Transaction: 7afdcb9067f6549a569116a79cb1256920a0c566ff36cf4dce88718d57402f4f (Input 0)

Sometimes you'll find ScriptSigs unlocking custom scripts.

In the example above the original locking script was a simple math problem that asks for two numbers that add to equal 8, and where the second number is 2 less than the first (OP_2DUP OP_ADD OP_8 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_SUB OP_2 OP_EQUAL).

These kinds of custom scripts are pretty rare though, as the majority of custom locking scripts are wrapped in a P2SH rather than being placed directly in the ScriptPubKey of an output (as these locking scripts are considered non-standard and do not get relayed by nodes, but they are valid and can still be mined in to the blockchain).


What is it called a ScriptSig?

The ScriptSig contains Script, and it usually contains a signature, which is why it's called a "ScriptSig" for short.

A ScriptSig does not have to contain a signature though, but we still call it a ScriptSig anyway because that's the variable name Satoshi used in the original version of bitcoin, as outputs are primarily intended to be locked to someone else's public key and then unlocked with a corresponding digital signature.

But yes, it does make more sense to just think of the "ScriptSig" as the "unlocking code" field inside a raw transaction.

"ScriptSig", "scriptSig", and "scriptsig" are just different ways of writing the same thing. There's no official way of writing it, although the camel case variant with a lowercase letter for the first word ("scriptSig") is the way Satoshi wrote it and seems to be the most prevalent.


The input of a coinbase transaction does not actually reference any previous output that needs to be unlocked, so the ScriptSig is basically a "spare" field that miners can use to put any data they like in to it. The only restriction is that it must be between 2 and 100 bytes in size.

Miners often use the ScriptSig inside their coinbase transactions to add custom messages or some text to identify who mined the block. Take the genesis block for example:


Transaction: 4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b (Input 0)

If you convert that last data push from hex bytes to ASCII you get: The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks


Here are a few more examples of messages found inside the ScriptSig of coinbase transactions:

Check out for more examples.

BIP 34: Since block height 227,836 miners are required to place the current block height at the start of the ScriptSig in coinbase transactions.

The fact that miners are free to place any data they like the ScriptSig means it can also be used as an ExtraNonce.