
Unlocking code (for segwit inputs)

Diagram showing the witness area of a transaction being used to unlock the inputs.

The witness is the region of a transaction used for unlocking segwit inputs.

It's used for unlocking outputs that have new segregated locking scripts ("witness programs") on them, such as P2WPKH, P2WSH, and P2TR. If any of the inputs to a transaction have new segwit witness programs on them, you have to use the witness section for unlocking them.

The witness area of a transaction is an upgrade that's used in preference to the ScriptSig fields. But the ScriptSig is still used for unlocking legacy locking scripts such as P2PK, P2PKH, P2MS, P2SH, and other custom scripts.

Witness is just another word for the signatures in transactions.
Pieter Wuille, SF Bitcoin Developers


How do you unlock an input using the witness?

Diagram showing the structure of the witness in a raw transaction.

The witness contains a witness field for each input in the transaction.

Each witness field starts with a stack items field indicating the number of items it contains, then for each item you have a size field followed by the actual item itself.

So basically each witness field contains a bunch of data elements required to unlock the input.

A witness field is functionally the same as the ScriptSig field, but instead of using OP_CODES to push items on to the stack, you use compact size fields before each item. Therefore, you can't use any OP_CODES inside it to perform logical operations; all you can do is push data on to the stack, which is all that is required for unlocking the most common types of locking scripts anyway.

So witness data is a simplified alternative to Script that only contains data instead of opcodes.

The witness can only push data on to the stack. For example, within the ScriptSig you could use 0x58 (OP_8) to push the number 8 on to the stack, but to do the same thing in the witness you would need to use the byte 0x08 directly.


Witness Field
Field Example Size Format Description
Stack Items 02 variable Compact Size The number of items to be pushed on to the stack as part of the unlocking code.
Field Example Size Format Description
Size 47 variable Compact Size The size of the upcoming stack item.
Item [public key] or [signature] variable Bytes The data to be pushed on to the stack.

This structure repeats for every stack item.

This structure repeats for every input.

Note: If you're unlocking both legacy and segwit inputs in a transaction, you must set the witness field for legacy inputs to 00 (i.e. no items to be pushed on to the stack) as each input must have their own witness field.


What does a witness field look like?

Here are some examples of the witness sections from actual transactions unlocking different types of segwit locking scripts (or "witness programs").


  "witness": [
      "stackitems": "02",
      "0": {
        "size": "47",
        "item": "30440220537f470c1a18dc1a9d233c0b6af1d2ce18a07f3b244e4d9d54e0e60c34c55e67022058169cd11ac42374cda217d6e28143abd0e79549f7b84acc6542817466dc9b3001"
      "1": {
        "size": "21",
        "item": "0301c1768b48843933bd7f0e8782716e8439fc44723d3745feefde2d57b761f503"

Transaction: 65d8bd45f01bd6209d8695d126ba6bb4f2936501c12b9a1ddc9e38600d35aaa2 (Input 0)

This transaction contains one input that has a P2WPKH lock on it. To unlock it you need to provide a signature followed by a public key in the witness field.

This unlocking code is functionally the same as the unlocking script found inside the ScriptSig for legacy P2PKH. That is, it just contains a signature and a public key.

However, whereas the ScriptSig for a P2PKH uses OP_CODES for pushing the signature and public key on to the stack, the witness just uses compact size fields to indicate the size of the signature and public key.

Example P2PKH ScriptSig

Legacy ScriptSig fields use the OP_PUSHBYTES_XX opcodes for pushing data on to the stack. But as you can see, the actual data in a P2WPKH witness field is the same as in a P2PKH ScriptSig:


Transaction: 40e331b67c0fe7750bb3b1943b378bf702dce86124dc12fa5980f975db7ec930 (Input 0)


  "witness": [
      "stackitems": "04"
      "0": {
        "size": "00",
        "item": ""
      "1": {
        "size": "47",
        "item": "30440220415899bbee08e42376d06e8f86c92b4987613c2816352fe09cd1479fd639f18c02200db57f508f69e266d76c23891708158bda18690c165a41b0aa88303b97609f7801"
      "2": {
        "size": "47",
        "item": "304402203973de2303e8787767090dd25c8a4dc97ce1aa7eb4c0962f13952ed4e856ff8e02203f1bb425def789eea8be46407d10b3c8730407176aef4dc2c29865eb5e5542bf01"
      "3": {
        "size": "69",
        "item": "522103848e308569b644372a5eb26665f1a8c34ca393c130b376db2fae75c43500013c2103cec1ee615c17e06d4f4b0a08617dffb8e568936bdff18fb057832a58ad4d1b752103eed7ae80c34d70f5ba93f93965f69f3c691da0f4607f242f4fd6c7a48789233e53ae"

Transaction: b38a88b073743bcc84170071cff4b68dec6fb5dc0bc8ffcb3d4ca632c2c78255 (Input 0)

This transaction contains one input that has a P2WSH lock on it.

The final item in this witness field is the Witness Script (equivalent to the Redeem Script in a P2SH), which in this example is a P2MS locking script. You can check this by decoding the hex bytes of the final data push to see the actual Script it contains:


All of the items before the Witness Script are the data elements required to unlock it, which in this example is two signatures (along with an extra 00 at the start due to a bug in the way P2MS works).

So again, this unlocking code contains the same kind of data as the unlocking script for a legacy P2SH.

Example P2SH ScriptSig

Again, the ScriptSig fields use the OP_PUSHBYTES_XX opcodes for pushing data on to the stack. This P2SH ScriptSig contains the same kind of data as a P2WSH witness field, although the P2MS wrapped inside this witness field only required one signature to unlock it:


Transaction: 30c239f3ae062c5f1151476005fd0057adfa6922de1b38d0f11eb657a8157b30 (Input 11)

Whilst witness data itself is not Script, in the case of P2WSH locking scripts the final item in the witness field does actually contain Script.


  "witness": [
      "stackitems": "02"
      "0": {
        "size": "47",
        "item": "30440220599640d1dba05cba9bf5284cf080171c736a8fef51e8975501abd995744cbc8e02202fcda9a5423cfa3c75aadb0a4a20f57d1e2f041211658bc1793974b41202bc4e01"
      "1": {
        "size": "21",
        "item": "0214a6f6ff714e38376ab3afb8f10965cf1ed7940284a3bff81dc8c0bd656de433"
      "stackitems": "00"

Transaction: 0c722837427b05e718ab8e15fc0f5f0e7011e82f13dc1b48b65107876c265ef5

This transaction is unlocking two separate inputs: the first input has a newer P2WPKH locking script (witness program) on it, and the second has a legacy P2PKH locking script on it.

Seeing as this transaction is unlocking a segwit output, both of the inputs need to have their own witness field.

And as you can see, the witness fields for each input are simply concatenated one after the other inside the witness area of a transaction.

It's perfectly fine to combine legacy and segwit inputs in a transaction. You just have to remember to set the witness field for an input to 00 if it does not require the use of a witness field to be unlocked.


There are two methods for unlocking a P2TR lock, and the structure of the witness field varies depending on which method you're using.

1. Key Path Spend

  "witness": [
      "stackitems": "01",
      "0": {
        "size": "41",
        "item": "b693a0797b24bae12ed0516a2f5ba765618dca89b75e498ba5b745b71644362298a45ca39230d10a02ee6290a91cebf9839600f7e35158a447ea182ea0e022ae01"

Transaction: 091d2aaadc409298fd8353a4cd94c319481a0b4623fb00872fe240448e93fcbe

In a P2TR key path spend, the witness contains a single signature item only.

This signature corresponds to the tweaked public key placed in the P2TR ScriptPubKey.

This is the "default" method for unlocking a P2TR output.

2. Script Path Spend

  "witness": [
      "stackitems": "03",
      "0": {
        "size": "41",
        "item": "01769105cbcbdcaaee5e58cd201ba3152477fda31410df8b91b4aee2c4864c7700615efb425e002f146a39ca0a4f2924566762d9213bd33f825fad83977fba7f01"
      "1": {
        "size": "22",
        "item": "206d4ddc0e47d2e8f82cbe2fc2d0d749e7bd3338112cecdc76d8f831ae6620dbe0ac"
      "2": {
        "size": "21",
        "item": "c0924c163b385af7093440184af6fd6244936d1288cbb41cc3812286d3f83a3329"

Transaction: 797505b104b5fb840931c115ea35d445eb1f64c9279bf23aa5bb4c3d779da0c2

In a P2TR script path spend, the witness contains 2 or more items.

These items can be split in to 3 sections:

  1. Script Inputs (optional) — The items at the start of the witness field are used to unlock the upcoming leaf script item. This is usually a single signature, but it could be made up of multiple stack items (depending on what's required to unlock the leaf script).
  2. Leaf Script — This is the second-to-last item in the witness field and comes after the script inputs. This is a complete locking script that has been used as one of the additional custom locks for the output.
  3. Control Block — This is the last item in the witness field. It contains information that proves the leaf script was part of the script tree that was used to create the tweaked public key placed in to the original ScriptPubKey.

This is the "secondary" method for unlocking a P2TR output. This script path spend method is used as an alternative to the key path spend method above.

This witness structure for a P2TR script path spend is the same as the witness structure for a P2WSH, but with an additional control block at the end.


What is the maximum size of a witness field?

A diagram showing the limits for the witness field in a transaction for standard locking scripts.

Similar to Script, the witness data of a transaction has certain size limits for standard P2WPKH, P2WSH, and P2TR locking scripts:

The Witness Script in a P2WSH (the final stack item) can be up to 3,600 bytes. This is the data push of the actual locking script.

A transaction can exceed these limits and it will still be considered valid, but it will also be considered non-standard and therefore will not be relayed by nodes.

These limits can be found in policy.h.


Why use the witness instead of the ScriptSig field?

There are two benefits to using the witness instead of the ScriptSig field for unlocking inputs.

1. Witness data weighs less

Each byte inside the witness carries less weight than each byte inside the ScriptSig:

ScriptSig: 1 byte = 4 weight units
Witness: 1 byte = 1 weight units

Or in terms of virtual bytes that's:

ScriptSig: 1 byte = 1 vbyte
Witness: 1 byte = 0.25 vbytes

For example, the typical unlocking code inside a ScriptSig for a legacy P2PKH contains 106 bytes, which is equal to 424 weight units or 106 vbytes:


Transaction: 842c4626a8ef8eebe46ed8d591b643c5d7be84ea1aa199fb76e5d78fe8d6819f (Input 0)

However, the typical unlocking code inside a witness field for a segwit P2WPKH contains 107 bytes, which is equal to 107 weight units or 26.75 vbytes:


Transaction: 7a466b5ed43e5022121918d9e9fdef923a7a5e2d01c9abd6a4998e30e77d2ad3 (Input 0)

As a result, the unlocking code for segwit locking scripts takes up less space inside a block. This means you don't have to pay as much in transaction fees in terms of sats-per-vbyte to get the transaction mined.

Using the witness gives you a discount on the amount you have to pay in transaction fees compared to using the ScriptSig.

2. The witness field prevents transaction malleability

The ScriptSig field usually contains a signature, and this field is included when creating the TXID. However, the witness is not included as part of the TXID, so any signatures included in the witness are no longer included when creating the TXID:

Diagram showing the witness data not being included in the creation of the TXID.

This is important because signatures can be modified whilst still keeping the transaction valid, which means that it's possible for a transaction's TXID to change before it gets mined in to a block. So by using the witness field to unlock inputs you can be confident that the TXID will remain the same after the transaction has been sent in to the network.

This change was the driving force behind the Segregated Witness upgrade, and it's the main reason we use the new witness section of a transaction over the ScriptSig fields for unlocking inputs.


Witness Reserved Value

Space for committing new data to the block

Diagram showing new data being committed to the block via the witness reserved value in witness field of a coinbase transaction.

The witness for the input to a coinbase transaction contains a witness reserved value, which is a 32-byte space reserved for a commitment for new data in a future upgrade to bitcoin.

The input in a coinbase transaction does not reference any previous output for spending, so there is no need to unlock anything. This means that the unlocking code sections for that input (i.e. the ScriptSig and witness) are basically "spare" fields.

Therefore, the witness field for the input in a coinbase transaction has been reserved as a space to store extra data in a potential future upgrade. For example, if a new upgrade added a some new data to transactions, then that all new data could be hashed and stored in the witness reserved value, and everyone could see that the data was indeed included as part of the block.

At the moment the witness reserved value is not being used, so it's usually set to an empty 32-byte value of 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.


Why is it called a witness?

The term "witness" was designated by Pieter Wuille (the developer behind the Segregate Witness upgrade):

The only thing we care about is that the sender authorized [the transaction]. There may be multiple possible signatures for a transaction, but we only care that one of them exists. This is something that's called a Witness in mathematics; you prove that something exists by giving an example.
Pieter Wuille, SF Bitcoin Developers

So it's just a fancy technical name for the "unlocking code" area for segwit outputs.
