Memory Pool Memory Pool Refreshing

6,972 transactions
11.34 vMB
Show Random Selection Loading Transactions
Max Size: 66/200 MB

Estimated time to get mined based on feerate:

Feerate Blocks Time
2 sats/vbyte 2
1 sats/vbyte 3
1 sats/vbyte 6
1 sats/vbyte 12
1 sats/vbyte 144
1 sats/vbyte 432

Candidate Block Candidate Block Refreshing

Height Target Expected Size Txs Avg Feerate AFR
886,940 000000000000000000028bb10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ago 1.00 vMB 1,885 2
Show Transactions Loading Transactions

Blockchain Blockchain Refreshing

Tip: 886,939 (318,337 blocks away) ⇈
Next 10 blocks ↑
Height Block Hash Time (UTC) Size Txs Avg Feerate AFR
568,602 568,602 0000000000000000000d8ab4353efe643e1887361fca3c426ce507e678d54764 1.33 MB 1,659 2
568,601 568,601 0000000000000000001291818eacf093d54ba7cffed89c2ce63fa50b9a1e2b67 1.27 MB 2,542 19
568,600 568,600 0000000000000000002ac21a2eb772d308b91f5c6315c40c21f159c1ebd79aff 1.14 MB 1,992 30
568,599 568,599 0000000000000000000eb4c45e80885206d8f481f476843fa2902888437d423b 1.04 MB 1,035 81
568,598 568,598 00000000000000000027abe2f99c4955bfaa30d86bc5a3c64a89fc4c0ef4a7f4 0.69 MB 1,455 17
568,597 568,597 00000000000000000007cb471e867f57f89d39b4de9bcc79e5f5e0d3ef43dd62 1.15 MB 2,060 5
568,596 568,596 00000000000000000007b4bbdd0c6ab33a3293e2b585b1ebd9ced8b39041e2fa 1.29 MB 2,463 6
568,595 568,595 00000000000000000028459011af102908d0f75011cda43997180af2fae73a57 1.35 MB 2,504 39
568,594 568,594 0000000000000000001e5422f85a8cec43d5eedbc52f36744dad796047dc039f 1.33 MB 2,136 13
568,593 568,593 00000000000000000019d2535247995ad8fa8fc54019885b085b18db2f6b209b 1.12 MB 1,456 12
568,592 568,592 000000000000000000097430580fc4ea46aba0030908a16b32e44e67d07a554b 0.14 MB 160 8
568,591 568,591 0000000000000000001c37573ddcf7a7093da0673931df03a9d426a76ae18dcf 1.17 MB 1,617 20
568,590 568,590 0000000000000000000c367355473ae74137623c124b88e708ff8e2e68905c72 0.32 MB 616 18
568,589 568,589 00000000000000000029b6f1bf3cce70c4b6a68919f7c5360c9855b6dfa4cb78 0.23 MB 476 18
568,588 568,588 0000000000000000001d14512cf93167be8c5b9311a0adab825c13927c6985f7 0.52 MB 503 12
568,587 568,587 00000000000000000005adad2781bde97eca480bf36216d745e7cb5edcd7da7a 1.14 MB 2,159 19
568,586 568,586 000000000000000000283afd0583dc85f594e39c356fc77b2834d209991add84 0.94 MB 1,531 14
568,585 568,585 0000000000000000001412230cec577faef777ffdab9ea55fc1822501f697db3 1.25 MB 2,828 20
568,584 568,584 0000000000000000000590f014f4ff7bfdd6cba339a06ea5190b0070cbfe1be0 0.47 MB 971 11
568,583 568,583 0000000000000000001a848912664def615468edf79a0dfe9d3e5b37203f294f 1.22 MB 2,656 20
568,582 568,582 0000000000000000002b56c833e5e31a8fbbe856afc41acac689bae773734fbe 0.61 MB 778 1
Previous 10 blocks ↓
Total Size: 732.24 GB

Node Information

  • IP:
  • Port: 8333
  • Version: 280000
  • Subversion: /Satoshi:28.0.0/
  • Uptime:
  • Connections: 10 outgoing, 114 incoming
  • Data Transfer: 2,796.20 GB sent, 122.58 GB received



This is a basic blockchain explorer for exploring Bitcoin data.

The main features of this explorer are:

So it's pretty basic, but I think you can learn a lot about how Bitcoin works by browsing the raw data and seeing how it all connects together.


The data on this explorer comes from the following sources:

  1. Bitcoin Core. This is used to get raw transaction and block data. This is retrieved via simple bitcoin-cli commands.
  2. SSDB. I'm using a custom database to store the address balances and spent locations of each output. Bitcoin Core does not store this information, so I'm using a custom script and database to store this extra information.


This blockchain explorer does not track anything.

I do not collect IP addresses or keep track of requests. Nor do I use any third-party analytics or tracking software.

However, this blockchain explorer is not open-source, so you have to trust me on this one.

Bitcoin Core Explorer

If you want to explore blockchain data without having to trust anyone with your privacy, the simplest way to do this is to run your own Bitcoin Core node and run bitcoin-cli commands.

The two most useful commands are:

  • You will need to add txindex=1 to your bitcoin.conf configuration file to be able to query for all transactions.
  • Use bitcoin-cli help to a complete list of commands.
  • Use bitcoin-cli help <command name> to see detailed information about a command and all the available options.

Alternatively, you can also run your own self-hosted explorer such as mempool or btc-rpc-explorer.