Memory Pool Memory Pool Refreshing

9,494 transactions
11.25 vMB
Show Random Selection Loading Transactions
Max Size: 60/200 MB

Estimated time to get mined based on feerate:

Feerate Blocks Time
3 sats/vbyte 2
2 sats/vbyte 3
1 sats/vbyte 6
1 sats/vbyte 12
1 sats/vbyte 144
1 sats/vbyte 432

Candidate Block Candidate Block Refreshing

Height Target Expected Size Txs Avg Feerate AFR
887,167 0000000000000000000282810000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1.00 vMB 3,588 2
Show Transactions Loading Transactions

Blockchain Blockchain Refreshing

Tip: 887,166 (255,617 blocks away) ⇈
Next 10 blocks ↑
Height Block Hash Time (UTC) Size Txs Avg Feerate AFR
631,549 631,549 0000000000000000000c8f746cbbd3bda55ce91590f4cbacbc6501ca2cc09980 1.41 MB 1,757 39
631,548 631,548 000000000000000000009b9bfcd3a6838708f685bd05c8113da73e1f91025ab5 1.30 MB 2,562 111
631,547 631,547 0000000000000000000e3ec9185c7d32ca78b36b7260d03f320dba99a0112326 1.40 MB 1,833 33
631,546 631,546 00000000000000000007a09b7e9b2358269cb253a6725614ae614e89832a6bdf 1.14 MB 2,191 15
631,545 631,545 00000000000000000006a0751820aad5a467a8ca4c4211466c978cdc00c705f5 1.42 MB 2,262 76
631,544 631,544 0000000000000000000d45fbd6798400c5efe03325a17f75a0fd15c8a78a77a7 1.23 MB 2,556 174
631,543 631,543 0000000000000000000868d580f79b59651c6fc83a5ad0f40ee53cdebf0ec0b5 1.11 MB 1,772 208
631,542 631,542 00000000000000000005ee29c6cee15ce569eeaf86fda2917e1bf5afe2b284f6 1.44 MB 209 5
631,541 631,541 000000000000000000043eaf36aded804fb5549567883f8ce145de51d7e1ccda 1.32 MB 2,370 18
631,540 631,540 00000000000000000007fd22049f75317e9994cf26d21f7424d33fa0052eeb8d 1.35 MB 2,995 145
631,539 631,539 00000000000000000005807ffdd696b47e85acf654ce904a08ae94e1a922d76f 1.37 MB 2,078 69
631,538 631,538 000000000000000000109165b0a9555e9cc79a54e1322ddd2adf93dd38447d0d 1.26 MB 209 8
631,537 631,537 00000000000000000001d6139d766dfe29fba27d2597acbd5bc491dbd6e245f5 1.36 MB 311 8
631,536 631,536 00000000000000000008e2c3a245b641fba269ae3d1302d457383ff693b4f55a 1.70 MB 801 28
631,535 631,535 00000000000000000005ace1503743e5cdfd5ed6428ba540164b3b0753138396 1.23 MB 2,129 44
631,534 631,534 0000000000000000000f8538d8359d529d6ef5b809f7a0be53494e497ef08551 1.33 MB 2,584 119
631,533 631,533 0000000000000000000364f77c8fbe52b55f0ed7684a7e0f555f5bea0cecdcb9 1.91 MB 573 15
631,532 631,532 0000000000000000000cbb854382b597e938c49f940f835a2bc83167aa6d6f0e 1.89 MB 78 2
631,531 631,531 00000000000000000002b8bae216067785cb7c6f8813eb96ada207ac26036b1a 1.35 MB 2,110 59
631,530 631,530 0000000000000000000f636a60458487289dc3f9d0e4b7030d5c989f0a23625a 1.36 MB 2,152 73
631,529 631,529 0000000000000000000e64f2f8a06ffeb03cb4a597fdcb11f43ee9bf16decbc3 1.07 MB 2,604 13
Previous 10 blocks ↓
Total Size: 732.68 GB

Node Information

  • IP:
  • Port: 8333
  • Version: 280000
  • Subversion: /Satoshi:28.0.0/
  • Uptime:
  • Connections: 10 outgoing, 114 incoming
  • Data Transfer: 2,816.10 GB sent, 124.37 GB received



This is a basic blockchain explorer for exploring Bitcoin data.

The main features of this explorer are:

So it's pretty basic, but I think you can learn a lot about how Bitcoin works by browsing the raw data and seeing how it all connects together.


The data on this explorer comes from the following sources:

  1. Bitcoin Core. This is used to get raw transaction and block data. This is retrieved via simple bitcoin-cli commands.
  2. SSDB. I'm using a custom database to store the address balances and spent locations of each output. Bitcoin Core does not store this information, so I'm using a custom script and database to store this extra information.


This blockchain explorer does not track anything.

I do not collect IP addresses or keep track of requests. Nor do I use any third-party analytics or tracking software.

However, this blockchain explorer is not open-source, so you have to trust me on this one.

Bitcoin Core Explorer

If you want to explore blockchain data without having to trust anyone with your privacy, the simplest way to do this is to run your own Bitcoin Core node and run bitcoin-cli commands.

The two most useful commands are:

  • You will need to add txindex=1 to your bitcoin.conf configuration file to be able to query for all transactions.
  • Use bitcoin-cli help to a complete list of commands.
  • Use bitcoin-cli help <command name> to see detailed information about a command and all the available options.

Alternatively, you can also run your own self-hosted explorer such as mempool or btc-rpc-explorer.