Memory Pool Memory Pool Refreshing

22,640 transactions
5.90 vMB
Show Random Selection Loading Transactions
Max Size: 39/200 MB

Estimated time to get mined based on feerate:

Feerate Blocks Time
3 sats/vbyte 2
2 sats/vbyte 3
2 sats/vbyte 6
1 sats/vbyte 12
1 sats/vbyte 144
1 sats/vbyte 432

Candidate Block Candidate Block Refreshing

Height Target Expected Size Txs Avg Feerate AFR
881,572 000000000000000000029a8a0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1.00 vMB 4,962 1
Show Transactions Loading Transactions

Blockchain Blockchain Refreshing

Tip: 881,571 (201,790 blocks away) ⇈
Next 10 blocks ↑
Height Block Hash Time (UTC) Size Txs Avg Feerate AFR
679,781 679,781 00000000000000000005be07036a1dc4f72b9c170bf51eba0e9a9771052f2506 1.40 MB 2,546 211
679,780 679,780 0000000000000000000294d38e2e3a831dab44e66559e80152a9db3c85e28a65 1.37 MB 3,049 247
679,779 679,779 0000000000000000000632f84c72d6dbb13ba75b3f95cb6252836f45fa700392 0.00 MB 1 0
679,778 679,778 00000000000000000008cb676ef4b1d3c5f5911eb6c9b632cf2f7becd895e65a 1.33 MB 3,084 248
679,777 679,777 000000000000000000050b28ebadf15f9e1405dbc5960b5158b2a9da0e35b3ed 1.35 MB 1,955 181
679,776 679,776 00000000000000000004d45f48bb74ec8049fe8bc6e1406663010ccc4cd062db 1.28 MB 2,392 210
679,775 679,775 00000000000000000003c0d1d48c65921240e733395e52d4e9402c306b9382ee 1.42 MB 2,156 196
679,774 679,774 00000000000000000001dcdf48807d4a1f171a956783e416bc9f41650613b2f2 0.00 MB 1 0
679,773 679,773 000000000000000000053ef3a269ea4e11c8dcb1ba940f695c04011c9ca6aa76 1.34 MB 2,975 233
679,772 679,772 0000000000000000000b5e649e08bf4a1403de818843f30844a0ad81a069ec78 1.34 MB 2,526 209
679,771 679,771 0000000000000000000638bd5c049c5a03ea0df05b29b2762e8ac97571da947b 1.30 MB 2,526 185
679,770 679,770 000000000000000000079b73ac74786f24b5e33a9886ca36b23dbf58f483ddb6 1.14 MB 1,222 171
679,769 679,769 00000000000000000004ed2099096fef966f542a9df59aaadafe609331cfe0e7 1.13 MB 2,134 109
679,768 679,768 0000000000000000000989f799b4614415b61771339055f711c22fbf2e5d5c0b 1.24 MB 2,304 164
679,767 679,767 00000000000000000006f86f09706b0768d73215e4ab7306dfdd41a8f485ff34 1.09 MB 2,256 125
679,766 679,766 0000000000000000000a12f61fe2eeec7b2750119d7090ee2d93dce89d89fdc7 1.23 MB 2,357 144
679,765 679,765 00000000000000000002676a9feb324686896adeeaea9aec382fa063f6eb1ca6 1.53 MB 1,972 160
679,764 679,764 00000000000000000008d12a4423a60d0fc9e0e3af1aef4126e33785da3622bb 1.30 MB 2,392 206
679,763 679,763 000000000000000000039dc9c05ea1041bf5d929f8300adc68ebbce5c3cf0b88 1.33 MB 1,531 165
679,762 679,762 000000000000000000066d10774bca3cd71035b7330bdb40264fad29a0266a10 1.35 MB 2,948 221
679,761 679,761 000000000000000000006be04fc85c0633943c84507c5c62741f3245918d8e8a 1.19 MB 1,322 200
Previous 10 blocks ↓
Total Size: 721.54 GB

Node Information

  • IP:
  • Port: 8333
  • Version: 280000
  • Subversion: /Satoshi:28.0.0/
  • Uptime:
  • Connections: 10 outgoing, 114 incoming
  • Data Transfer: 2,010.53 GB sent, 71.34 GB received



This is a basic blockchain explorer for exploring Bitcoin data.

The main features of this explorer are:

So it's pretty basic, but I think you can learn a lot about how Bitcoin works by browsing the raw data and seeing how it all connects together.


The data on this explorer comes from the following sources:

  1. Bitcoin Core. This is used to get raw transaction and block data. This is retrieved via simple bitcoin-cli commands.
  2. SSDB. I'm using a custom database to store the address balances and spent locations of each output. Bitcoin Core does not store this information, so I'm using a custom script and database to store this extra information.


This blockchain explorer does not track anything.

I do not collect IP addresses or keep track of requests. Nor do I use any third-party analytics or tracking software.

However, this blockchain explorer is not open-source, so you have to trust me on this one.

Bitcoin Core Explorer

If you want to explore blockchain data without having to trust anyone with your privacy, the simplest way to do this is to run your own Bitcoin Core node and run bitcoin-cli commands.

The two most useful commands are:

  • You will need to add txindex=1 to your bitcoin.conf configuration file to be able to query for all transactions.
  • Use bitcoin-cli help to a complete list of commands.
  • Use bitcoin-cli help <command name> to see detailed information about a command and all the available options.

Alternatively, you can also run your own self-hosted explorer such as mempool or btc-rpc-explorer.