Memory Pool Memory Pool Refreshing

9,209 transactions
31.95 vMB
Show Random Selection Loading Transactions
Max Size: 179/200 MB

Estimated time to get mined based on feerate:

Feerate Blocks Time
2 sats/vbyte 2
1 sats/vbyte 3
1 sats/vbyte 6
1 sats/vbyte 12
1 sats/vbyte 144
1 sats/vbyte 432

Candidate Block Candidate Block Refreshing

Height Target Expected Size Txs Avg Feerate AFR
888,477 0000000000000000000282810000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ago 1.00 vMB 4,018 3
Show Transactions Loading Transactions

Blockchain Blockchain Refreshing

Tip: 888,476 (144,398 blocks away) ⇈
Next 10 blocks ↑
Height Block Hash Time (UTC) Size Txs Avg Feerate AFR
744,078 744,078 000000000000000000004c33017d3adb1b745c7a5d8bc46acc806e8c4d55fa88 1.51 MB 1,989 15
744,077 744,077 000000000000000000038e5135163a7a2143e584a43d6dc497d930f968344f7a 0.28 MB 562 19
744,076 744,076 00000000000000000002c15ea73c8700ce286386b2f79a12e449c8bf9dc402f4 0.93 MB 1,391 22
744,075 744,075 0000000000000000000747e45ed1ef7e241555f2a70f880ee3041ed32a7dd339 0.08 MB 186 23
744,074 744,074 0000000000000000000502ab830bad1e5391664739699e409d6806258e9652ed 1.55 MB 1,008 9
744,073 744,073 00000000000000000001ae65a3433d7942e134e9cc29ccef77b69b337755e0ad 1.60 MB 1,594 12
744,072 744,072 000000000000000000018ae28757380c9f1c9b3940f2456e59034e38572b0d64 0.70 MB 487 14
744,071 744,071 00000000000000000005fa8a9899cbc876da4ba8e52d37c3f4f0e20268fb34f3 1.11 MB 2,087 19
744,070 744,070 00000000000000000005116b7d27bc36b8e8075a02badb15fb6593cc5788373a 0.49 MB 773 16
744,069 744,069 000000000000000000086f7a779a2222ed2aaef96a01501054ddde975efe153b 0.92 MB 1,591 16
744,068 744,068 000000000000000000036949af59652fb9af0f986aecd28ee0d44d4880b9a989 0.99 MB 1,050 15
744,067 744,067 00000000000000000003f6a19e78af86a54e570d34fefc9758289d0966f5587e 0.37 MB 379 13
744,066 744,066 000000000000000000069d8581e02b9dde5a4991d866f2d3d71def89b54fcaa6 0.07 MB 95 8
744,065 744,065 00000000000000000008f1708f5858bc4c0f046f51851cbbf2db3caa4f10ff6f 1.75 MB 1,148 9
744,064 744,064 00000000000000000000e3ae34e3fd877a44fedf7faa004d201aca94474b9769 1.61 MB 2,556 15
744,063 744,063 000000000000000000056fea583064c6470ea8ea99b65fd8b0db28131b1133d4 1.47 MB 1,561 9
744,062 744,062 00000000000000000007c1cd5c8bfbba2198a362369e800738b9edd326b38334 1.34 MB 2,614 22
744,061 744,061 000000000000000000026aba7584177d02aac438d10efa93ce612289edbf30c6 1.48 MB 3,116 29
744,060 744,060 00000000000000000004524620e85e859dae235286fecb70c973538dcb4b7227 1.30 MB 1,945 39
744,059 744,059 000000000000000000017a8198b1ee137b3dfe53f6ff0a4a6ed1fb958607aad4 1.23 MB 1,749 12
744,058 744,058 00000000000000000002c38a49687fe7c1ee095fd967855bd987e2e210a87cad 1.79 MB 803 2
Previous 10 blocks ↓
Total Size: 735.15 GB

Node Information

  • IP:
  • Port: 8333
  • Version: 280000
  • Subversion: /Satoshi:28.0.0/
  • Uptime:
  • Connections: 10 outgoing, 114 incoming
  • Data Transfer: 3,111.14 GB sent, 137.70 GB received



This is a basic blockchain explorer for exploring Bitcoin data.

The main features of this explorer are:

So it's pretty basic, but I think you can learn a lot about how Bitcoin works by browsing the raw data and seeing how it all connects together.


The data on this explorer comes from the following sources:

  1. Bitcoin Core. This is used to get raw transaction and block data. This is retrieved via simple bitcoin-cli commands.
  2. SSDB. I'm using a custom database to store the address balances and spent locations of each output. Bitcoin Core does not store this information, so I'm using a custom script and database to store this extra information.


This blockchain explorer does not track anything.

I do not collect IP addresses or keep track of requests. Nor do I use any third-party analytics or tracking software.

However, this blockchain explorer is not open-source, so you have to trust me on this one.

Bitcoin Core Explorer

If you want to explore blockchain data without having to trust anyone with your privacy, the simplest way to do this is to run your own Bitcoin Core node and run bitcoin-cli commands.

The two most useful commands are:

  • You will need to add txindex=1 to your bitcoin.conf configuration file to be able to query for all transactions.
  • Use bitcoin-cli help to a complete list of commands.
  • Use bitcoin-cli help <command name> to see detailed information about a command and all the available options.

Alternatively, you can also run your own self-hosted explorer such as mempool or btc-rpc-explorer.