Memory Pool Memory Pool Refreshing

2,587 transactions
6.69 vMB
Show Random Selection Loading Transactions
Max Size: 38/200 MB

Estimated time to get mined based on feerate:

Feerate Blocks Time
2 sats/vbyte 2
2 sats/vbyte 3
1 sats/vbyte 6
1 sats/vbyte 12
1 sats/vbyte 144
1 sats/vbyte 432

Candidate Block Candidate Block Refreshing

Height Target Expected Size Txs Avg Feerate AFR
886,651 000000000000000000028bb10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1.00 vMB 1,861 2
Show Transactions Loading Transactions

Blockchain Blockchain Refreshing

Tip: 886,650 (1,441 blocks away) ⇈
Next 10 blocks ↑
Height Block Hash Time (UTC) Size Txs Avg Feerate AFR
885,209 885,209 000000000000000000014fedc64ef0595c881e4a01430c6d335fcc43de9ade85 1.73 MB 4,195 4
885,208 885,208 000000000000000000002d340b051809c876dcbdc4233b55ca202d523ac6ea75 1.80 MB 4,940 5
885,207 885,207 0000000000000000000177a5528244d23c7fcdefe1d9a26d2475a5bf6965c319 1.78 MB 4,486 4
885,206 885,206 00000000000000000000a5dd658770af3635d1d4775978f6e9bf5f23056096d9 1.48 MB 2,195 6
885,205 885,205 00000000000000000002292b380def81b1e29f439685617e0d7d487ce8dde045 1.66 MB 2,554 8
885,204 885,204 00000000000000000000b8f53fbac44d7877f710c5a009cc85621520df165def 1.62 MB 3,111 11
885,203 885,203 00000000000000000001b58dc4f5e8af66d0a5b7f8a67827368bb9d8e9793ed6 1.48 MB 2,218 10
885,202 885,202 000000000000000000003c121c0f770af9b27de4f3150b3af146b52ba183db3a 1.88 MB 5,202 4
885,201 885,201 0000000000000000000223a809551f161be7074b43530c9cbe90caa8355dd26a 1.77 MB 4,234 7
885,200 885,200 00000000000000000001bfa1451f1a38468c260c1ac3e122d0dfef1480a2c747 1.73 MB 3,551 7
885,199 885,199 000000000000000000022f8d93870393e96ea1aa482c09f8d1ec6aaf8590f7c9 1.40 MB 2,405 11
885,198 885,198 000000000000000000004c757150052ed2bbfdac712181d67c17605b47046c6e 1.80 MB 3,018 6
885,197 885,197 000000000000000000026e6dfa76e7b9ff102443395daffff1586cbd837be8e2 1.47 MB 2,826 12
885,196 885,196 00000000000000000000ab341cc5e548bc0003106082ad08332509a2870d6e5f 1.61 MB 3,480 11
885,195 885,195 00000000000000000000398d6e43978f317fd451fd712f26dc857ff8b5299334 1.75 MB 4,718 5
885,194 885,194 00000000000000000000041ce5d7bd48ad919aee6a1dffa424cf890b977e6364 1.87 MB 5,507 4
885,193 885,193 0000000000000000000282b5c9f674346f457dbaea590b5feff10927f9ca9515 1.65 MB 3,008 7
885,192 885,192 00000000000000000001838f81795ba2231f4ddbb9ec8770277567d6b45b6276 1.62 MB 3,319 7
885,191 885,191 000000000000000000006603812aa1ea1e6d3cfd85aba6194ec14b86b851a775 1.70 MB 4,429 5
885,190 885,190 0000000000000000000252cba109118fc868e743499d6cae6665823fdb46a460 1.61 MB 3,311 8
885,189 885,189 00000000000000000000eba58643219d5c6ded3e97fe0820dd7484a626f57abd 1.79 MB 4,871 6
Previous 10 blocks ↓
Total Size: 731.69 GB

Node Information

  • IP:
  • Port: 8333
  • Version: 280000
  • Subversion: /Satoshi:28.0.0/
  • Uptime:
  • Connections: 10 outgoing, 114 incoming
  • Data Transfer: 2,751.99 GB sent, 120.37 GB received



This is a basic blockchain explorer for exploring Bitcoin data.

The main features of this explorer are:

So it's pretty basic, but I think you can learn a lot about how Bitcoin works by browsing the raw data and seeing how it all connects together.


The data on this explorer comes from the following sources:

  1. Bitcoin Core. This is used to get raw transaction and block data. This is retrieved via simple bitcoin-cli commands.
  2. SSDB. I'm using a custom database to store the address balances and spent locations of each output. Bitcoin Core does not store this information, so I'm using a custom script and database to store this extra information.


This blockchain explorer does not track anything.

I do not collect IP addresses or keep track of requests. Nor do I use any third-party analytics or tracking software.

However, this blockchain explorer is not open-source, so you have to trust me on this one.

Bitcoin Core Explorer

If you want to explore blockchain data without having to trust anyone with your privacy, the simplest way to do this is to run your own Bitcoin Core node and run bitcoin-cli commands.

The two most useful commands are:

  • You will need to add txindex=1 to your bitcoin.conf configuration file to be able to query for all transactions.
  • Use bitcoin-cli help to a complete list of commands.
  • Use bitcoin-cli help <command name> to see detailed information about a command and all the available options.

Alternatively, you can also run your own self-hosted explorer such as mempool or btc-rpc-explorer.